Holiday Dog Care Tips, And Dog Gift Baskets To Treat Your Dog!

Our dogs are part of our families, and we care for their health and well-being all year round. The holidays really put the spotlight on dog care, though – from tinsel to poinsettia, dog dangers are present event more. It's important to take care when giving your dog a holiday gift or gifting a friend or family member with a dog-themed holiday gift. That's why we've carefully crafted our holiday Dog Gift Baskets with only healthy, Fido-approved dog treats and toys. Here's what else you need to know for your pooch during the holidays.

Think Twice About Tinsel

Sure, tinsel looks pretty on your Christmas tree and in your holiday decorations, but it also looks attractive to your dog – like a glittering dog toy. It can cause severe harm to your dog's digestive track and organs, so switch to alternative ornaments and decorations, and leave the treats to the ones inside our holiday dog gift baskets.

Root That Tree

Dogs just seem to have a tendency to knock Christmas trees over. Be sure the tree is stabilized as best as possible, and choose a water container that does not contain open elements for your dog to drink to. After all, that water may contain fertilizers, so you certainly don't want your dog drinking it!

Dog-Friendly Treats

We tend to have more treats on hand during the holidays, which means your dog has more access to “human" food that can upset Fido's stomach. Instead, gift your dog – and your friends or families with pets – with dog gift baskets that include dog-approved biscuits and cookies, as in our Dog Holiday Wishes Dog Gift Basket.

Plants Aren't Always Pretty

Your dog may never touch the plants you have around your house year-round, but introduce poinsettias, holly, and mistletoe into your house, and you can bet Fido will want to do some exploring. These can be poisonous to your dog, so either stick to plastic decorations, or ensure the holiday plants are as high up and out of reach as possible in your home.

Be sure to keep an extra eye on your dog during the holidays – the holidays are a wonderful time, but they can carry some dangers for our dogs. Treat your dog, or a friend or family member's dog, to holiday Dog Gift Baskets to help your dog stay healthy with natural dog treats, both during the holidays and all year round! A healthy dog is a happy dog.