An Easter Cookie Bouquet is Perfect for a Spring Raffle!
Looking to earn some extra money for an organization, charity, or your Church? A raffle might be the right solution for you! Most people love taking a chance on winning something, and are especially eager to buy a ticket or two if the prize is fun and the cause is something they support. It helps to offer something eye-catching that has a large appeal something teens, women and men will all be interested in. Something like an Easter cookie bouquet! Want to have a raffle with an Easter cookie bouquet (or 2, 3, or 4!), but are looking for a way to really drum up some interest and donations this time around? Maybe you've followed all the usual steps in the past but your results were still shy of what you hoped for. If that's the case, we have one easy but oh-so-important tip that just might make all the difference in the world. And the only special equipment you'll need is probably already in your hand, in your pocket, or on the table in front of you. Give up? It's your smartphone! (A digital camera would work as well, of course, but many people take fabulous photos with their phone as they're so accustomed to it!) Take Really Good Pictures A bright, clear picture of your Easter cookie bouquet and any other items included in your raffle is essential. You can use this picture when contacting people via email, for posters that you'll hang up, for group text messages, and to advertise the location of your raffle table if there is a specific spot (such as near the entrance to the cafeteria in a school). A good picture can go a very long way in attracting people's interest and showcasing the true quality of your Easter cookie bouquet and other potential prizes. We even read about an animal shelter that was having a hard time getting people to come in and adopt their many adorable dogs. As it turned out, it was the quickly-taken, poorly-lit pictures that were part of the problem. While the dogs themselves were awesome, the pictures were not. A photographer offered to take better photos of the dogs and see if it made a difference. As soon as the new pics hit the internet, adoptions took off!