Gifting A Puppy And Pet Gift Baskets? Find Out If They're Ready For A Puppy, First!
If you want to give a gift that brings the recipient absolute joy year-round, a dog is certainly the way to go. Dogs are so loyal and shower their owners with such love. We always recommend that when gifting a puppy, it's best to complement that frisky Fido with one of our Pet Gift Baskets to create a fun gift for both puppy and new owner. Yet, before you select which pet gift basket you'll be gifting, be sure his or her new owner is ready to be presented with a yapping puppy. Here's our tips in evaluating whether they're ready for their new puppy and fun pet gift baskets! 1. How Often Are They Home? A dog can only be left home alone for so long, even if he or she is comfortable being in his crate. Most dog owners do have to go to work, but the ideal owner is able to come home right after work and take the dog outside and give him or her food, and then is home most nights to spend time playing with the puppy. 2. Will They Be Able To Support A Dog? A dog is an investment. Dog food and pet supplies aren't cheap, although we do our best to keep our Pet Gift Baskets as affordable as possible. Check out your local pet supplies store to see what they'll need for the puppy and how expensive it will be, along with any vaccinations or check-ups the dog will need. Then, evaluate whether they can afford to take care of a dog for all of his or her years. 3. Do They Have Any Allergies? We know you don't want to give away the surprise, but it's important to first do a little detective work and find out if they have any specific dog allergies, or suffer from major allergy problems throughout the year. You wouldn't want them sneezing all over little Fido! 4. What Kind Of Dog Breed They Adore? It's so easy to fall in love with any dog breed, but ask their friends and family if there's a specific dog breed that just makes them melt, or even if there's a breed they're not too fond of. Then, visit a local animal shelter and look for the particular dog breed, or a breed that has similar mannerisms and temperament as their ideal dog breed. Then, select one of our Pet Gift Baskets that you think they'll just love, and gift away!