#1: Lay The Foundation: It's easiest to do the wine and chocolate tasting around a long table in your home such as a card table with a pretty tablecloth over it. Simply set the wine and chocolate pairings out around the table together. Cut the chocolate up into small blocks so guests can easily take a few pieces. Set up seating areas around the room, but not too close to the table. Have plates and napkins out and ready for guests.
#2: Pair Them Up. We wrote a great post on our blog about wine and chocolate gift basket pairings check out Wine and Chocolate Gift Baskets Create Delicious Pairings Ideas" to garner ideas on what type of wines and chocolates complement each other. Be creative even spicy" chocolate exists these days!
#3: Guide Your Guests. You don't have to be a wine and chocolate pairing expert to host one! You do need to be able to guide your guests along through the tasting, however. Know the wine varieties inside the wine and chocolate gift baskets you purchased or your guests gifted you with, and take small groups of guests around the table to sample the pairings. Have a few buzzwords in mind to describe the wines and chocolates, such as robust, oaky, light, succulent, dark, savory, sweet, bitter, and mellow."
#4 Think Outside The Bar. It's perfectly fine to cut up pieces of chocolate bars for guests to taste, but how about melting and warming up the gourmet chocolates inside our wine and chocolate gift baskets in a fondue pot? Fondue is all the rage right now, and guests can sample the melted chocolate with strawberries, marshmallows, and bananas and wash it all down with a perfect wine.
You're all ready to get started with your own wine and chocolate tasting! So how do we know just what goes into a wonderful wine and chocolate pairing? Well, all we'll say is this all of the products inside our gift baskets are BisketBaskets.com taste-tested and approved including our Wine and Chocolate Gift Baskets!